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How to throttle the speed of an event without using Rx Framework

I want to throttle the speed of an event, How I can achieve this without using Microsoft Rx framework. I had done this with the help of Rx. But what I am trying is, I need to throttle Map's View changed event based on a time slot. Is it possible to implement the same without using Rx.

I am not allowed to use Rx and I have to keep the binary size as small as possible.


  • This works, if your event is of type EventHandler<EventArgs> for example. It creates a wrapper for your event handler that is throttled:

    private EventHandler<EventArgs> CreateThrottledEventHandler(
        EventHandler<EventArgs> handler, 
        TimeSpan throttle)
        bool throttling = false;
        return (s,e) =>
            if(throttling) return;              
            throttling = true;
            Task.Delay(throttle).ContinueWith(_ => throttling = false);

    Attach like this:

    this.SomeEvent += CreateThrottledEventHandler(
        (s,e) => Console.WriteLine("I am throttled!"),

    Although, you should store the handler returned from CreateThrottledEventHandler if you need to unwire it with -= later.