I have the problem that when I try to create the .apk file with the cmd line and the aapt order, It gives me the following error:
"...\res\layout-land\activity_statistics.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/bg_session')."
This error goes further thrue all layout and drawable folders. My cmd order is the following one:
package -v -f
-A "...\workspace\WBRLight\assets"
-M "...\workspace\WBRLight\AndroidManifest.xml"
-S "...\workspace\WBRLight\res"
-I "...\Android\sdk\platforms\android-17\android.jar"
-F "...\workspace\WBRLight\bin\WBRLight.unsigned.apk" "...\workspace\WBRLight\bin"
I checked my files if they are corrupted and clean my project folder already. With eclipse its working, but I want to to it with the cmd line order.
Could anybody help me please ? I try to solve it now since three days...
So i figured it out: I have to "crunch" all picture in the res folder first:
aapt crunch -v -S \res -C \bin\res
And then I pointed as a source folder to the res dir and to the bin\res dir. Also added --no-chrunch --generate-dependencies
aapt package --no-crunch --generate-dependencies -v -f
-M \AndroidManifest.xml"
-S \bin\res
-S \res
-A \assets
-I \android.jar
-F \bin\APPNAME.unsigned.apk \bin
Now Its working perfectly. Also with the .9.png 9patch pictures.