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Is there a puppet equivalent to publishing commands in saltstack? (publish.publish)

The basic need:

  1. Perform operation on agent X
  2. Perform operation on agent Y
  3. Perform operation on agent X

These operations need to be performed in order, which is easily achieved with saltstack using publish.publish. Access to perform operations on agent Y is managed by the salt master.

The closest thing I have been able to find in puppet is 'external resources' (ER), since they can be used to perform operations on other agents, but ER's fall short in many ways:

  • they don't support operation ordering

  • targeting is based on tags, which does not take security into account

  • they are so decoupled that you can't know from reading the code where an operation will be performed or where it comes from.

  • there is no way to get feedback on the success or failure of an operation

Is there any puppet alternative to saltstacks publish.publish?


  • See my answer to the same question over on