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why does rep() behave inconsistently with this simple R example?

I am building code to run and manage simulations of sampling events at sites that can be in one of three site cohorts. I use rep() to assign the cohort identifier (1,2, or 3) using the code below:

cohort <- rep(1:n.cohorts, n.sites) 

I have put the key line first, although to reproduce my problem you need to run the following lines, which allocate a total number of sites between cohorts for presentation to the rep() call.

n.cohorts <- 3
s <- 10 # total available sites in this example

# different proportions of the total can be allocated to each cohort, for example 
prop.control <- 0.4 ; <- 0.4 ; prop.ref <- 1-(
n.control <- prop.control * s; <- * s; n.ref <- prop.ref * s 
n.sites <- c(n.control,, n.ref)  

now, n.sites by itself returns

[1] 4 4 2

so when I run my cohort <- rep(1:n.cohorts, n.sites) call again I expect cohort to be a list of 10 items, like this: [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3. What i get, however, is only 9:

> cohort
[1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3    

If i run the same code where n.sites is defined directly like so: n.sites <- c(4, 4, 2), I get the 10 items i expect. I have redone this several times to convince myself that under both scenarios n.sites by itself produces identical results.

Can anyone explain why this happens? Many thanks in advance.



  • I think this is one of those arithmetical inaccuracy issues in R. The problem is here:

    prop.ref <-
    #[1] 2
    #[1] 1

    So r thinks that are very slightly bigger than 0.8

    You can fix it by

    cohort <- rep(1:n.cohorts, ceiling(n.sites)) 

    But you're right, it does seem like a SERIOUS bug EDIT - sorry meant SEEM like a serious