not really a programming question, but I cant find anywhere else to ask it and there is bound to be someone in here using this as well.
I got the mercurial.tmbundle installed and everything seems to be working fine with the exception of "Push to default repo" I have a default repo setup (bitbucket) and just using the command
hg push
does exactly what one would expect, but when I try to do it via Textmate it just comes up with a little progressbar and the text "Accessing Parent Repository..." and that just disappears after 1 sec. It cannot be pushing since it has no password. I have checked and there is indeed no new commits on bitbucket. Is there something I need to configure? If you have this working then please do tell what you did to make it work. Any suggestions would be helpfull.
As suggested by RyanWilcox, hg must be waiting for a password. Try using the following syntax and see if it works: hg push
. If so, and you're not paranoid, you may set this as the default path in your hgrc.
EDIT: add this in your hgrc and leave your default path alone:
foo.prefix =
foo.username = userid
foo.password = passwd
foo.schemes = http https