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How to pass argument in a singleton

I've been wondering how to pass argument to a singleton contructor. I already know how to do a singleton, but I've been unlucky to find a way to do it.

Here is my code (part of it).

Questionnary* Questionnary::getInstance(){

    static Questionnary *questionnary = NULL;

    if(questionnary == NULL){
        cout << "Object created";
        questionnary = new Questionnary();

    else if(questionnary != NULL){
        cout << "Object exist";

    return questionnary;

    cout << "I am an object";

//This is want i want to acheive
Questionnary::Questionnary(string name){
    cout << "My name is << name;

Many thanks in advance

(BTW i know how and why a singleton is bad)


  • You don't need to allocate the instance of singleton dynamically. It could look the following way (this is sometimes called "lazy loading singleton" ~ the instance is created late & kinda "automatically"):

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    class Questionnary
        // constructor taking string:
        Questionnary(const std::string& name) : name_(name) { }
        static Questionnary& getInstance(const std::string& name)
            static Questionnary q(name);
            std::cout << "My name is: " << q.name_ << std::endl;
            return q;
        std::string name_;
    int main() {


    My name is: Josh
    My name is: Josh

    Note that constructor will be called only once right when the getInstance is called for the first time.