I have been writing queries for an SQL anywhere 12 database. I was able to connect to the database using Aqua Data Studio. However, my free trial is up and I don't want to pay $500 just to write some queries. Every other software I have tried (Sybase Central, ODBC, Altova DatabaseSpy, SQL anywhere Client) all give me the same error: an error occured during the sharedmemory connection attempt. I have no idea why this is happening, and I have even tried turning off the "use shared memory connection" on my DB but to no avail.
Does anyone know why Aqua Data studio was able to connect but no other software can? Is there a way to fix the SharedMemory issue?
Is there another software that would be able to connect to the database?
I can't say for sure in this case, but SQL Anywhere does support the concept of an "authenticated" database, which means that only client applications recognized by the server as being allowed can connect. That is likely the case here.
Note: I work for SAP in SQL Anywhere Engineering.