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Making truthtables in python

I'm having some trouble doing some homework related to making truthtables in Python. I've tried going to Office Hours, but they don't know anything so I gotta ask you guys.

Here's the question:


In this problem, you will implement functions for printing truth tables for formulas with variables. You may use the following helper function, which prints a tab-delimited list of values.

def prints(values):
    print("\t".join([str(value) for value in values]))

The above function can be used as follows

prints([True, False, True])
True   False  True

You may also use the following helper function, which returns a list of the argument names of a function:

def variables(f):
    return list(f.__code__.co_varnames)

The above function can be used as follows:

def h(x,y,z): return (y or x) and (not(z) <= x)

['x', 'y', 'z']

A: Implement a function truthtableXY(f) that takes as its input a single function f (i.e., a Python function corresponding to a formula such as those you defined in Problem #2 above). You may assume f takes two boolean arguments x and y. The function should print a truth table for f.

def f(x,y): return x and y

y      x      formula
True   True   True
True   False  False
False  True   False
False  False  False

B: Implement a recursive function truthtable(f) that takes as its first argument a single function f (i.e., a Python function corresponding to a formula). The function f may take any non-zero quantity of arguments. The function should print a truth table for f.

def h(x,y,z): return (y or x) and (not(z) <= x)

x       y       z       formula
True    True    True    False
True    True    False   False
True    False   True    False
True    False   False   False
False   True    True    True
False   True    False   False
False   False   True    False
False   False   False   False

Your truthtable() function should employ the recursive backtracking approach, and can be organized as follows:

  • The function should have a second parameter values with a default value of [], which will be the list of values the function builds up and eventually passes to f;
  • If the list values is empty, the function should print a row containing all the variable names (one column header per variable);
  • If the list values is the same length as the list of variables of f, the function should print a row of values containing all the values in values, as well as the result of applying f to that list of values (use the *-operator to apply f to the list of arguments);
  • If the list values is shorter than the list of variables of f, the function should make recursive calls to truthtable(), with approprate changes to the arguments of truthtable().

C: Implement a function rows(f) that takes as its first argument a single function f (i.e., a Python function corresponding to a formula). The function should return the number of rows in the truth table for f.

def h(x,y,z): return (y or x) and (not(z) <= x)



I managed to do A, and got this answer:

def truthtableXY(f):
    prints(['y', 'x', 'formula'])
    for x in [True, False]:
        for y in [True, False]:
            prints([x, y, f(x,y)])

which works. But I simply cannot work out how to do the others.

Anyone out there who knows/ can work out the answer?

Here's the original website with the homework btw: (question 3)

Thanks in advance guys! :)


  • For B, you want:

    def truthtable(f, values=None):
        if values is None:
            prints(variables(f) + ["formula"])
            values = []
        # print values 
        if len(values) == len(variables(f)):
            prints(values + [f(*values)])
            for b in [True, False]:
                truthtable(f, values + [b])

    How this meets your spec:

    • The function should have a second parameter values with a default value of [], which will be the list of values the function builds up and eventually passes to f; - not quite, "mutable default parameter" is a bad move in Python, but I have values and make it an empty list on the first call to truthtable

    • If the list values is empty, the function should print a row containing all the variable names (one column header per variable); - done at the same time as initialising value

    • If the list values is the same length as the list of variables of f, the function should print a row of values containing all the values in values, as well as the result of applying f to that list of values (use the *-operator to apply f to the list of arguments); - the second if block

    • If the list values is shorter than the list of variables of f, the function should make recursive calls to truthtable(), with approprate changes to the arguments of truthtable(). - the for loop at the end.

    For more explanation on the last part; you need to build up combinations of True and False to pass as arguments to f, so you recursively call (i.e. call a function from within itself) truthtable first with True, then with False, each time adding to the list until you have the right number of arguments. Uncomment print values to watch this happen in the interpreter.