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Can i require a specific commit of another Metacello ConfigurationOf in my Metacello configuration?

In the baseline of ConfigurationOfMyProject i require project Something:

spec project: 'Something' with: [
      className: 'ConfigurationOfSomething';
      repository: '';
      versionString: '1.0' ].

The maintainer of ConfigurationOfSomething committed a new version of ConfigurationOfSomething that contains a bug. So my ConfigurationOfMyProject does not load anymore.

Can i require a specific version of ConfigurationOfSomething like:

spec project: 'Something' with: [
      className: 'ConfigurationOfSomething';
      repository: '';
      monticelloVersion: 'ConfigurationOfSomething-SomeOne.125'
      versionString: '1.0' ].


  • Yes, you can use the #file: message to force loading a specific version.

    spec project: 'Something' with: [
          className: 'ConfigurationOfSomething';
          file: 'ConfigurationOfSomething-SomeOne.125'; 
          repository: '';
          versionString: '1.0' ].

    See the Metacello API for an overview.