I am having trouble generating my tables in PostgreSQL from Grails. I have simple Email and EmailAttachment domain classes with a hasMany
and belongsTo
relationship. This setup worked well on our production server (AS400 DB2), but when I try to run my program on PostgreSQL (the new dev environment), the Email class does not have the attachment_id
class Email {
static hasMany = [attachments:EmailAttachment]
Integer id
Integer version = 0
String subject
String recipients
String sender
Date sentDate
String plainTextMessage
Set attachments
static mapping = {
table name:'error_email', schema: Appointment.schema
sort sentDate:'desc'
static constraints = {
subject nullable:true
version nullable:true
recipients nullable:true
sender nullable:true
sentDate nullable:true
plainTextMessage nullable:true
attachments nullable:true
def String toString(){
return subject
class EmailAttachment {
static belongsTo = [email:ErrorEmail]
ErrorEmail email
String filename
byte[] content
static mapping = {
table name:'error_email_attachment', schema: Appointment.schema
static constraints = {
filename nullable:true
content nullable:true
Also, here are the relevant lines from schema-export:
alter table program.email_attachment drop constraint FK2E592AFD1D80E229;
drop table program.email cascade;
drop table program.email_attachment cascade;
drop sequence hibernate_sequence;
create table program.email (id int4 not null, version int4, plain_text_message varchar(255), recipients varchar(255), sender varchar(255), sent_date timestamp, subject varchar(255), primary key (id));
create table program.email_attachment (id int8 not null, version int8 not null, content bytea, email_id int4 not null, filename varchar(255), primary key (id));
alter table program.email_attachment add constraint FK2E592AFD1D80E229 foreign key (email_id) references program.error_email;
create sequence hibernate_sequence;
I've tried specifying joinTable: attachments joinTable:[name: 'email_table', column: 'attachment_id', key: 'id']
to no avail, as well as leaving it out, and trying other collection types for attachment. Thanks in advance for your time and brain cells.
The email doesn't have an attachment_id column because it's the one side of the one-to-many. The many side, attachment in this case, has a reference to its owning email in the email_id int4 not null
column. Given an email with id 42 you (and Grails/GORM/Hibernate) can find all of the attachments by querying for all rows in that table with email_id=42.