I have an app and was ready to realease it the app store. Going through tutorials, (lynda) everything was going fine until I made some changes to 'Custom iOS Target Properties'
The app had been tested, warnings taken care of. Everything was functioning properly until I started all the code signing stuff. Now the app crashes as soon as the first screen loads. It simply goes black after the launch image goes away. Here are some things that I think might have a role:
During the code signing process, I inadvertently deleted a key in 'Custom iOS Target Properties'. Not sure which it was. No other significant changes except all the code signing processes.
Is there any way to restore the settings?
Has anyone experienced anything like this? What should I be looking for? Everything still builds properly. I am completely clueless on this issue. Can anyone offer a suggestion? thanks!
Since you are using Storyboard, make sure the Main Storyboard file base name
key exists in your info.plist
It's value is generally "MainStoryboard", sometimes simply "Main" or could even be any name that you had customized your Storyboard with.
If the key is deleted or contains an incorrect Storyboard name then the app doesn't get an entrypoint to your custom classes and it's as good as not having any viewController
in your app.
If you need to add this key:
(in root and not within any array)Main Storyboard file base name
(or your custom Storyboard name you have used)something like: