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Vim variable syntax highlighting

I'd like to change my vim config file to allow highlighting of only my declared variables, not keywords. This article shows and explains what I mean: Alternate syntax highlighting

I'm a beginner to vim (I've never changed the default config file). Could anyone point me in the right direction?


  • As proof of concept, I tried

    let vars = ['init', 'editable', 'init_ui']
    let colors = ['ff0000', '00ff00', '0000ff']
    for var in vars
      execute 'syn keyword var_' . var var
      execute 'hi default var_' . var 'guifg=#' . remove(colors, 0)

    and it worked as expected. This created syntax items for each variable in the list: var_init, var_editable, and var_init_ui. Then it assigns a highlight color to each syntax item.

    In order to get beyond proof of concept, you have to get a list of variable names. You can do this by parsing a tag file (as produced by ctags, for example) or by writing a parser in vim (which would be very portable). You can sort the list and remove duplicates, but I think the use of :hi default will save you if you skip this step. Come up with a better way of generating colors than my example.

    You can do all of that using an autocommand when a buffer is entered, or when the user explicitly calls a function. Then you can start thinking about automatic updating as new variables are defined.