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how to have Web Api send Serialized string object back to client Correctly?

I am serializing an IEnumerbale object using JsonConvert.SerializeObject( ); it produces string with quotes and escape character with spaces

from web Api controller i return that string using code below

public string GetDegreeCodes(int id)
    string result = //output from JsonConvert.SerializeObject( );
    return result;

"[{\"DegreeId\":1,\"DegreeName\":\"High School\",\"ImageSrc\":\"\",\"Description\":\" Get High School Degree\r\"},{\"DegreeId\":2,\"DegreeName\":\"Associate\",\"ImageSrc\":\"\",\"Description\":\" Get Associate Degree\r\"},{\"DegreeId\":3,\"DegreeName\":\"Bachelor\",\"ImageSrc\":\"\",\"Description\":\" Get Bachelor Degree\r\"},{\"DegreeId\":4,\"DegreeName\":\"Masters\",\"ImageSrc\":\"\",\"Description\":\" Get Master Degree\r\"},{\"DegreeId\":5,\"DegreeName\":\"Doctrate\",\"ImageSrc\":\"\",\"Description\":\" Get Doctorate Degree\"}]"

This is my ajax and it does not recognize the JSON correctly because of the extra wrapper quotes and escape characters,

        url: "/api/helloservice/getdegreecodes",
        type: "get",
        contentType: "application/text",
        data: { id: 1 }
    }).done(function (data) {
        if (data.length > 0) {

            for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {


i need to use JsonConvert.SerializeObject since i am caching it as a JSon in my redis cache server using booksleeve that way I do not need to re serialize and read from db every time. how do i avoid web api controller sending Quotes and backslashes? i could simply return IEnumerable and let Web Api do the JSOn serialization but i need to cache it on redis side


  • You could something like below:

    public HttpResponseMessage GetDegreeCodes(int id)
        StringContent sc = new StringContent("Your JSON content from Redis here");
        sc.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
        HttpResponseMessage resp = new HttpResponseMessage();
        resp.Content = sc;
        return resp;