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How to create Newsstand Magazine App using opensource framework or free tools?

I would like to create an interactive iOS Newsstand Magazine app with features including page curl effect, direct to a page from contents table, double tab to get list of pages icon at bottom in a horizontal line, page with images and link to a web page inside Magazine that should open with Safari.

  1. Is there any open source framework/tools (except Baker) or tutorial for free?.
  2. Is it possible to get done everything using PageViewController?.
  3. Is there also any restriction on number of pages in a Magazine app (either minimum or maximum pages per Magazine issue)?

Target Platform is iOS 6.0 and greater, Target device is iPad/iPad mini running on iOS 6.0 and greater.

Thanks in advance.


  • It can be a long journey to create a Newsstand App. You could also go the easy road and release your magazine through something like -