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.mpl extension in URL : Perl related technology?

I've seen a company using this kind of URLs It seems they use Perl in the back-end, but I would like to know which technology (framework, modules, etc.) is supposed to be involved by the .mpl extension ?

I believe it would be Mason template engine but can't find a confirmation.


  • It looks like a MASON non top level module/script.

    See this:

    and this:

    Unlike many templating systems, Mason comes with no obvious filenaming standards. While this flexibility was initially considered an advantage, in retrospect it has led to the proliferation of a million different component extensions (.m, .mc, .mhtml, .mcomp, ...) and has made it more difficult for users to share components and configuration.

    The Mason team now recommends a filenaming scheme with extensions like .html, .txt, .pl for top-level components, and .mhtml, .mtxt, .mpl for internal (non-top-level) components. See for justification and configuration examples.