I have animated SVG using SMIL. However I would need to export to other formats.
Do you know any program that would convert animated SVG to SWF, GIF, AVI (or any other video format)?
This conversion is easy with ffmpeg in two steps.
Step 1: Generate a movie from your screen.
Use this command in a terminal:
ffmpeg -s 1440x640 -r 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -b 6000k out.avi
Now watch your animation in full screen mode (F11). If your animation is looped it's better.
Step 2: Save only the interesting part
Use this command in a terminal:
ffmpeg -i out.avi -b 6000k -r 25 -t "00:00:10" -ss "00:00:09" "final.avi"
Now you have an .avi file