if I type the following where record
is a zsh function
record ls
how do I write a zsh completion for record
such that if I write
record ls -
it will use zsh's completion for ls e.g.
-1 -- single column output
-A -- list all except . and ..
-B -- print octal escapes for control characters
-C -- list entries in columns sorted vertically
the record function:
function record () {
local fp="`date +%F_%H-%M_%s`"
$@ 2>&1 | tee "${fp}.log"
edit time
and /usr/bin/time
seems to do this e.g
if I do time ls -<tab>
it will give me ls
's completion, how I do this for my own function?
What you want is called _precommand
, this should do it for your record
compdef _precommand record