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Command line to consider common values in only in specific column

I am looking for an simple command line to help me with the following task.

I have two files and I would like to print the lines for which they have a value in Col2 in common.

For instance File1 is similar to the following 3-column tab separated example


cat big 24
cat small   13
cat red 63


dog big 34
chicken plays   39
fish    red 294

desired output


I have tried commands using the commsyntax: comm /path/to/file1/ /path/to/file2 However, it does not output me anything because the values in Col1 and Col3 will very rarely be in common. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how this can be solved, maybe awk is a better solution?


  • if you read the man page of comm, you will see it works with sorted files. But awk is flexible, you can control what you want:

     awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=1;next}a[$2]{print $2}' file1 file2