I need to do 500 times loop. Is there better way rather than
<property name="javato.activetesting.trialnum.list" value="0,1,2,...,500(terrible)" />
<for param="trialnum" list="${javato.activetesting.trialnum.list}">
<echo message="Sub-iteration:@{trialnum}" />
<echo message="................" />
I'm not sure how to progress this - any suggestions?
Antelope has an additional task called repeat which can be used like this:
<taskdef name="repeat" classname="ise.antelope.tasks.Repeat"/>
<repeat count="2" interval="1" unit="milliseconds">
Also found this solution from another question:
<target name="example4">
<property name="n" value="3300"/>
<property name="target" value="callee"/>
<property name="param" value="calleeparam"/>
<script language="javascript">
// does n antcall's with iteration number param
var n = parseInt(project.getProperty("n"),10);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var t = project.createTask("antcall");
var p = t.createParam();