I'm trying to create SEO friendly urls where all spaces are replaced with a hyphen.
This is how I'm 'slugifying' the URL by using slugify in Django templates
<a href="{% url 'dj' dj_name=dj.name|slugify %}">
Here is my urls.py
url(r'^top100/(?P<dj_name>[a-zA-Z0-9 \'&-]+)/$', views.dj, name='dj')
This is my view
def dj(request, dj_name):
dj = DJ.objects.get(name=dj_name)
dj_song_list = Song.objects.filter(artist=dj, duplicate=False).order_by('-votes', '-release_date')
return render(request, 'hunt/dj.html', {'dj_song_list': dj_song_list, 'dj':dj}
Now the %20
in the urls has changed to a -
but I get the error DJ matching query does not exist.
Also this ignores &
in the DJ name. For example it changes the url for the DJ Above & Beyond
to www.example.com/top100/above-beyond
You're trying to request an object with its slug instead of its name in database. The slug is a string, compute from the original name, which you can use in URL (because it's SEO-friendly). But you can't request objects with it if you don't have save this slug anywhere in your database. Indeed, it's impossible to retrieve the original name from the slug.
Above & Beyond --> above-beyond --> Above @ Beyond }
--> above & beyond } A lot of possibilities...
--> ...
You need to use a SlugField()
and get the object wanted according to this new field. Short example:
class News(models.Model):
title = models.CharField('title', max_length=100)
slug = models.SlugField('slug', max_length=100, unique=True)
content = models.TextField('news content')
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('news-view', args=(self.slug, ))
# In the app/urls.py:
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^(?P<slug>.+)/$', view.news_detail, name='news-view'),
# In the 'news_detail' view (app/views.py)
news = get_object_or_404(News, slug=slug)
In practice, you can use the templatetags slugify
if you want to use clean URL like stackoverflow: they're using the ID of the question to retrieve the content from the URL, but there's also the title, which you can change, it'll redirect you anyway.
ID used ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
slug just for SEO purpose, not
used to retrieve from the db