I have a source repository that is used both from Windows and Linux.
I know that Git will automatically convert EOL to the local standard: \r\n on Windows and \n on Linux.
This is not an issue for source files.
But I have some CSV files that use a fixed format with a given EOL character (\r\n) which should not be changed, but Git converts them too, breaking some code.
I've tried to prevent EOL conversions for CSV files by creating a .gitattributes file at the root, next to the .gitignore file, with the following content:
*.csv -text
I've applied what I've understood from: http://git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes
But Git is still converting \r\n to \n on Linux.
Should I play with another setting like auto.crlf?
Note that I have limited control of the Linux local repository as it is managed by the continuous integration server Jenkins.
Thanks for any input.
Please note that git uses LF as an internal representation of EOL.
This means that in your case, the *.csv files has got changed when they were added/committed.
So the solution goes roughly like this:
Actually, it can be all made in one commit, with the following commands:
### ... update .gitattributes
git rm --cached '*.csv'
### ... find -name '*.csv' -print0| xargs -0 unix2dos
git add '*.csv'
git add .gitattributes
git commit
git rm --cached
removes all csv files from index, leaving them on the disk;unix2dos
as an example)git add '*.csv'
adds them back, this time without any transformation, according to new version of .gitattributes