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Excel SUMIFs multiple conditions

Am new to Excel functions and would like some help in SUMIFs (am assuming SUMIFs is the right function to use here).

Essentially, I need to match 2 arrays and sum a particular column in case 2 conditions match.

My raw Data looks something like this

--- NAV History --------         ---- Premium Paid History ----
A        B           C           G        H          I
Policy   Date        NAV         Policy   Date       Premium Paid
P1       31-Oct-13   280         P1       25-Oct-13  250 
P1       31-Nov-13   310         P2       25-Dec-13  10   
P1       31-Dec-13   550         P1       25-Dec-13  250  
P2       31-Dec-13   13

The idea is to compute Total Amount Paid against each policy based on 2 conditions -

  1. The policies (A should match G) should match and
  2. The NAV date (B) should be less than or equal to premium paid date (H)

I gave it a shot using the formula


but I am way off from the expected value (E).

--- NAV History -------------              ---- Premium Paid History ----
A        B           C     E               G        H          I
Policy   Date        NAV   Expected        Policy   Date       Premium Paid
P1       31-Oct-13   280   250             P1       25-Oct-13  250 
P1       31-Nov-13   310   250             P2       25-Dec-13  10   
P1       31-Dec-13   550   500             P1       25-Dec-13  250  
P2       31-Dec-13   13    10


  • try this:


    No way to test ATM.
    Please give it a try.

    Already tested. See SS below:

    sample sheet