I have been making a loop that assign Mx names for 121 different files in a folder.
allFiles = dir( '*.xls''String' );
allNames = { allFiles.name };
for ii = 1:length(allNames) M(ii) = xlsread(allFiles(1i));
Trouble is that there is no errormessage, but it isn't assigning any names for the values/files i want it to.
listing = dir('*.xls');
When i make a simple dir() it tells me
121x1 struct array with fields:
But i have to make it a String in order for xlsread() to work.
What i want it to is to make a name for each file so i can handle them in matlab, (ie. addtion of two matrices).
What can be wrong?
This question is basically just typos and confusion of variables:
allFiles = dir('*.xls'); % correct file extension
for ii = 1:size(allFiles, 1) % allFiles has one row per file, so loop over those
M{ii} = xlsread(allFiles(ii).name); % store matrix in cell array
Note that M
is now a cell array, because you can't store multiple matrices in a matrix or vector.