Is it possible to load the model for a FaceRecognizer from memory or a string rather than from a saved file. The API docs do not show a 'FromString or Buffer' version.
The current code loads from file:
model = cv2.createLBPHFaceRecognizer()
Some more background. The presisted models are stored in S3. I don't want to retrieve from S3 and then save to disk in order to use. I would rather load directly from s3 into the model or load the xml string/document into the model.
unfortunately, not possible from python ( cv2 ) atm.
while you can do it from c++ ,
string yml; // the whole schlepp in a string
FileStorage fs;,FileStorage::READ|FileStorage::MEMORY);
sad as it is, you can neither access FileStorage api, nor the FaceReco::load(FileStorage&) methods from python
(sidenote : at least you could resave them once from the facereco as yml.gz, to get the traffic down to 1/5 of the uncompressed xml)