I am currently writing a formal document in which I should place a specific UML class diagram.
The class has about 30 members, and roughly the same amount of methods. When I create a class diagram using any tool, it makes it a really long list - over 60 lines. It simply doesn't fit on a single page (I need the document printed).
Redesigning the class is out of the question.
How should I handle this problem? I have two ideas:
Would such diagrams still be technically correct? I am unsure whether that would still make a valid UML.
There are tools that you can use to hide members of a class. I think Rational System Architect supports this and surely Sparx Enterprise Architect does. With such a tool I would create two diagrams, one displaying the members only (and a collapsed methods part) and one displaying the methods only (and a collapsed members part). Something like:
| SomeClass |
| methods |
| +DateOfBirth: Date |
| +Name : String |
| … |
| SomeClass |
| members |
| +void Say(String message) |
| +void Sleep(TimeSpan time) |
| … |
If you want to be sure the readers of the documents understand the meaning of your diagrams you could drop a line explaining why you hid parts of the class.