private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FileStream outputFileStream = new FileStream("log.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFileStream);
// writing block
string originalPathFile = @"C:\Users\user\Downloads\CaptchaCollection\Small\";
string duplicatePath = @"C:\Users\user\Downloads\CaptchaCollection\Small\Duplicates\";
string movedOriginal = @"C:\Users\user\Downloads\CaptchaCollection\Small\Sorted\";
var files = Directory.GetFiles(originalPathFile)
.Select(nameWithExtension => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(nameWithExtension))
.Where(name => { int number; return int.TryParse(name, out number); })
.Select(name => int.Parse(name))
.OrderBy(number => number).ToArray();
while (files.Length > 1)
string duplicateOfFolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(duplicatePath + files[0].ToString()).FullName;
for (int j = 1; j < files.Length; j++)
Bitmap im1 = new Bitmap(originalPathFile + files[0].ToString() + ".png");
Bitmap im2 = new Bitmap(originalPathFile + files[j].ToString() + ".png");
if (compare(im1, im2))
File.Move(originalPathFile + files[j].ToString() + ".png", duplicateOfFolder + files[j].ToString() + ".png");
writer.WriteLine(files[j].ToString() + ".png" + " is a duplicate of " + files[0].ToString() + ".png \n");
File.Move(originalPathFile + files[0].ToString() + ".png", movedOriginal + files[0].ToString() + ".png");
writer.WriteLine(files[0].ToString() + ".png " + "has had its duplicates removed.");
files = Directory.GetFiles(originalPathFile)
.Select(nameWithExtension => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(nameWithExtension))
.Where(name => { int number; return int.TryParse(name, out number); })
.Select(name => int.Parse(name))
.OrderBy(number => number).ToArray();
So this button basically moves duplicate files of an image visually. I got this code from one of my previous questions I've asked. Now I want to use a new folder to place duplicates of a specific image.
For example:
1.png has 5 visual duplicates (65.png,87.png,100.png,103.png,156.png). I want to move all the duplicates to this directory instead of just placing it in the Duplicates
directory: C:\Users\user\Downloads\CaptchaCollection\Small\Duplicates\1\
Now instead what's happening is that it apparently is renaming and regenerating some images. I can't really describe this in words because I can't really see what's going on. What's not happening is that those files are not being moved to the directory of a duplicated file organization.
Folders will create but instead it's not placing it in the proper folder.
If I understood your requirement correctly then I think issue is in following lines.
if (compare(im1, im2))
File.Move(originalPathFile + files[j].ToString() + ".png", duplicateOfFolder + files[j].ToString() + ".png");
writer.WriteLine(files[j].ToString() + ".png" + " is a duplicate of " + files[0].ToString() + ".png \n");
You are actually comparing first file with others but still copying the files in duplicate folder.
Replace following line
File.Move(originalPathFile + files[j].ToString() + ".png", duplicateOfFolder + files[j].ToString() + ".png");
String path = duplicateOfFolder;
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
File.Move(originalPathFile + files[j].ToString() + ".png", path + "\\" + files[j].ToString() + ".png");
This should work.