Okay, so consider this code:
char** pool = new char*[2];
pool[0] = new char[sizeof(char)*5];
As far as I know, this creates a pointer to an array of 2 char pointers. The second line then sets the first of these 2 char pointers to the first item in an array of 5 chars. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If I'm not wrong:
As far as I know, this creates a pointer to an array of 2 char pointers. [...]
char** pool = new char*[2];
No, that line creates a pointer to a pointer a character. The expression on the righthand side creates an array of 2 pointers to characters. You can initialize this a double pointer with an array of pointers, because the righthand side will decay into a double pointer.
The second line then sets the first of these 2 char pointers to the first item in an array of 5 chars. [...]
pool[0] = new char[sizeof(char)*5];
What do you mean by "the first of these two char pointers". You're only assigning to one pointer on that line.
How would I go about initializing all of these chars?
By using a loop to iterate through the pointers and assigning valid memory to them.
How would I change a specific char? For example, setting the last char to
in each array.for (char** p = pool; p != (pool + 2); ++p) { *p = new char[/* amount of chars */]; (*p)[/* amount of chars */] = '\0'; }
But this is a complete mess. It would be significantly more easy to use a vector of strings:
std::vector<std::string> pool;