See this question. I have the following code that executes against a SQLIte database using a strongly typed dataset.
messagesAdapter.Update(messages);//messages is a DataTable
var connection = messagesAdapter.Connection;
var retrieveIndexCommand= connection.CreateCommand();
retrieveIndexCommand.CommandText = @"Select last_insert_rowid()";
var index = retrieveIndexCommand.ExecuteScalar();
This does not work as the last_inser_rowid() always returns zero. This caused by the fact that it needs to be called during the same connection that is used by the TableAdapter's Update command. How can I change the the TableAdapter's Insert or Update command so that it return the index?
If you are inserting a single row, you can use this:
// cast if necessary
using (var insert = (SQLiteCommand)this.Adapter.InsertCommand.Clone()) {
insert.CommandText += "; SELECT last_insert_rowid()";
foreach (SQLiteParameter parameter in insert.Parameters) {
parameter.Value = row[parameter.SourceColumn];
var index = Convert.ToInt32(insert.ExecuteScalar());
You can also use it to insert multiple rows and assign your id to each one:
using (var insert = (SQLiteCommand)this.Adapter.InsertCommand.Clone())
insert.CommandText += "; SELECT last_insert_rowid()";
// this filter only added rows
foreach (MyDataSet.MessageRow row in messages.GetChanges(DataRowState.Added))
foreach (SQLiteParameter parameter in insert.Parameters)
parameter.Value = row[parameter.SourceColumn];
// use the name of your rowid column
row.ID = Convert.ToInt32(insert.ExecuteScalar());
// then you can perfom the other updates
Note: Be sure to open / close your connection