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Customisation of Vim color scheme

I love the colorscheme: vivid chalk in Vim; but the color of the code folding is somehow too distracting for me. Can anyone get me some pointers to change it?

Blue fold


  • The :help command will aid you much on your journeys in vim. For instance, :help colorscheme, :help highlight, or :help syntax will all guide you to vim's documentation file on syntax highlighting. Reading this document would be ideal, but that does require some time. So if you're looking for something in particular use the /search<cr> command in normal mode. For instance, I can type :help colorscheme<Enter>/fold<Enter> and the answer reveals itself.

    As we can see, vim's colors for folds are set by the Folded highlight group. Change or comment out this line in your colorscheme to modify it.