Is it possibile to attach titles via an apply-family function to a series of histograms where the titles are picked from a list?
The code below creates three histograms. I want to give each a different name from a list (named "list"), in order. How do I do this?
data <- read.csv("outcome-of-care-measures.csv")
outcome <-data[,c(11,17,23)]
out <- apply(outcome, 2,
apply(outcome,2, hist, xlim=range(out,na.rm=TRUE), xlab="30 day death rate")
As it is not only the columns but another argument that changes, you may use mapply
to have a function from the apply
args <- list(xlim=range(data, na.rm=TRUE), xlab="30 day death rate")
titles <- list("Title 1", "Title 2", "Title 3")
mapply(hist, data, main=titles, MoreArgs=args)
If you wrap the invisible
function around the last line you can avoid the console output.
Note: I think using loops here is far more straightforward.