How can i find that *.err file type exist or not in batch file. I am using the following code to find the existence of the file type.
if [ -f $"*.err" ]
echo "File Type exists"
echo "File Type does not exists"
I think this code is not accurate. Can you correct this to find the existence of the file type ?
In batch File the Script Looks like this:
@Echo off
Rem DistPath Is Where you Want to check for file type
Set "DistPath=%UserProfile%\Desktop"
If Exist "%DistPath%\*.err" ( Echo File Type exists
) Else (
Echo File Type does not exists
Try This & Add The code that need to be executed between the "ExecuteFlag" & "Goto EOF".
@Echo off
If Exist "*.err" (
Goto EOF
) Else (
Goto ExecuteFlag
Rem Put Your Code Down Here
<<< Your Code Here >>>
Goto EOF
But in case you will continue & Add a lot more than few lines this is better
If Exist "*.err" Goto :EOF
Then Add The rest of your code assuming you didn't find the file. So if the file exist the code will end, else it will handle the missing file type depending on your code