I have Amazon ElastiCache redis instance and EC2 instance with slave of ElastiCache. Slave instance used to create AOF files for backups.
On slave I have config of "save":
redis> config get save
1) "save"
2) ""
Because I dont want rdb-snapshotting, I want to use only AOF persistence.
As config says redis should not make .rdb snapshot at all if "save" is empty string.
But in redis data directory of slave I have dump.rdb:
-rw-r--r-- 1 redis redis 299349931 Dec 14 09:21 appendonly.aof
-rw-r--r-- 1 redis redis 195499337 Dec 14 09:22 dump.rdb
And dump.rdb updates every minute!
I see that redis dumps .rdb first in temp file, then replaces old .rdb file.
-rw-r--r-- 1 redis redis 0 Dec 14 09:24 temp-1387013084.24100.rdb
Please help me, how to keep only AOF persistence on slave, without .rdb file?
The slave will dump an RDB file every time that it looses the replication connection or replication is restarted (for example: https://redislabs.com/blog/the-endless-redis-replication-loop-what-why-and-how-to-solve-it/).