i have a query like SELECT ITEM FROM DETAIL WHERE TID="1"
that will return the results like
m4, c1, f2, d5, k2
i'm using DATAREADER
to get the multiple value results
and here's the code
Dim res as string = "SELECT ITEM FROM DETAIL WHERE TID='1'"
CMD = New MySqlCommand(res, con)
result = CMD.ExecuteReader()
while result.HasRows
array(indeks) = result("ITEM")
end while
now instead storing results one by one into each array's index,
i want to store all of that into single string variable with format like 'm4', 'c1', 'f2', 'd5', 'k2'
the format is a single quote and commas(,) as separator for each results like example above (the commas only appear if there's still a result)
how could i do that in vb.net? i'm using mysql as database
Dim cnt As String = "select count(*) from detail where kode_faktur= '" & 1 & "' "
Dim max As Int32
CMD_sup = New MySqlCommand(cnt, conn.konek)
max = Convert.ToInt32(CMD_sup.ExecuteScalar())
Dim result As MySqlDataReader
Dim resultString As String
Dim isFirstResult = True
Dim arayITEM() As String
Dim res As String = "select kode_brg from detail where kode_faktur= '" & 1 & "' "
CMD = New MySqlCommand(res, conn.konek)
result = CMD.ExecuteReader()
ReDim arayITEM(max)
If result.HasRows Then
For i As Integer = 0 To max - 1
arayITEM(i) = result("kode_brg")
End If
resultString = "'" & String.Join("','", arayITEM) & "'"
'MsgBox("HASIL : " & resultString)
here's the screenshoot
i don't need separator at the end of last array's element (,''
How about this :
Dim res as string = "SELECT ITEM FROM DETAIL WHERE TID='1'"
CMD = New MySqlCommand(res, con)
result = CMD.ExecuteReader()
Dim resultString as String = ""
Dim isFirstResult = True
while result.HasRows
If Not isFirstResult Then
resultString &= string.Format(",'{0}'",result("ITEM"))
isFirstResult = False
resultString &= string.Format("'{0}'",result("ITEM"))
End If
end while
Or if you want to keep using the array but also need the single string version, you can convert the array using String.Join
Dim resultString As String = "'" & String.Join("','", array) & "'"
is clever enough to add separator only if next element exists. So both approach above should produce the same result.