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Find difference in temperature between consecutive days

So I inputted this piece of code in my class, it is a method for finding the largest difference in temperature between two consecutive days. There are ten days. I made an array with ten indexes, and I made this up:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;

public class Forecast
   int [] temps;
   int WEEK;
   int Under32 = 0;
   int[] blazing;

   public Forecast( int y, int[] x )
      WEEK = y;

      temps = new int[x.length];

      //instantiate array with same length as parameter
      for ( int i = 0; i <= temps.length-1; i++ )
         temps[i] = x[i];

   public void setWeek( int u )
      WEEK = u;

   public int getWeek()
      return WEEK;

   public void setArray( int[] newTemps )
      temps = newTemps;

   //returns an array of temps
   public int[] getTemps()
      int[] w = new int[temps.length];
      for(int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++)
         temps[i] = w[i];
      return w;

   public int getUnderFreeze()
      int FROZEN = 0;
      for( int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++ )
         if( temps[i] < 32 )
            FROZEN += 1;

      return FROZEN;

   public int[] above100Degrees()
    int newArrayLength=0;
    for( int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++ )
        if( temps[i] > 100 )

    int[] blazing = new int[newArrayLength];
    int positionInNewArray = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++ )
        if( temps[i] > 100 )
            blazing[positionInNewArray] = temps[i];
    return blazing;

   public int[] Assorted()
      return temps;

   //return an array in descending order, using set algorithm
    public int[] descendSort()
       int[] tempArray = new int[temps.length];

       for (int i = temps.length-1; i <= 0; --i)  
         for (int j = 0; j < temps.length-1; ++i){
            tempArray[j] = temps[i];
    return tempArray;

    //method returning the largest change between two consecutive days
    public int NetChange()
      int biggestNet = Math.abs(temps[0] - temps[1]);
      for( int i = 0; i < temps.length - 1; i++ )
         if( Math.abs((temps[i] - temps[i+1])) > biggestNet )
            biggestNet = Math.abs(temps[i] - temps[i+1]);
      return biggestNet;

    public String toString()
      String returnString = "The temperature forecast of week " + WEEK + " is logged in as: ";
      for( int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++ )
          returnString += "\t" + temps[i] + "\t";
      returnString += "\n" + "The number of temperatures below freezing is " + getUnderFreeze() + "." + "\n" + 
                             "The largest difference this week was a net change of " + NetChange() + "." + "\n" + 
                             "The temperature above 100 degrees is: " ; 

      int[] blazing = above100Degrees();                       
      for( int i = 0; i < blazing.length; i++ )
         returnString += "\t" + blazing[i] ;
      return returnString;

    public boolean equals(Object c)
      if( !(c instanceof Forecast))
         return false;
         Forecast objTemp = (Forecast) c;

         if( temps.length != objTemp.temps.length )
            return false;
      return true;


My object array that is in the client class is this:

int[] temps1 = new int[]{45, 76, 12, 102, 107, 65, 43, 67, 81, 14};

My output is this:

The largest difference this week was a net change of -2.

This output is severely wrong, what did I do incorrectly????


  • 1) Change this part as follows.

    if( Math.abs(temps[i] - temps[i+1]) > BiggestNet )
        BiggestNet = Math.abs(temps[i] - temps[i+1]);

    2) Also, initialize it like this.

    int BiggestNet = Math.abs(temps[0] - temps[1]);

    3) Also, change this.

    BiggestNet = Math.abs(temps[i] - temps[i+1]);

    Here is your fixed program.

    public class Test005 {
        private static int[] temps = new int[] { 45, 76, 12, 102, 107, 65, 43, 67, 81, 14 };
        public static int NetChange() {
            int BiggestNet = Math.abs(temps[0] - temps[1]);
            for (int i = 0; i < temps.length - 1; i++) {
                if (Math.abs((temps[i] - temps[i + 1])) > BiggestNet) {
                    BiggestNet = Math.abs(temps[i] - temps[i + 1]);
            return BiggestNet;
        public static void main(String[] args) {