I'm trying to create an article in magento to based on a dataset from an erp system. So far creating works with only one remaining glitch. I can't set group nor tear prices.
Here's my code:
protected function updatePrices(){
$groups = Mage::getModel('customer/group')->getCollection()->getAllIds();
if((float)$this->erpdata['grundpreis'] > 0.00){
if((float)$this->erpdata['shop']['art']['products_pseudoprices'] > 0.00){
//preapre the price data for ranges
$prepareDatas = array();
foreach($this->erpdata['preisgruppen'] as $group){
$dset = array('gruppe'=>0,'gp'=>0,'range'=>array());
foreach($group as $key=>$value){
if($key === 'gruppe'){
$dset['gruppe']= ((int)$value - (int)250);
}else if($key === 'grundpreis'){
$dset['gp'] = $value;
}else if(strpos($key,'preis_gruppe')!==false){
$ident = (int)str_replace('preis_gruppe','',$key);
if(!isset($dset['range'][$ident]) || !is_array($dset['range'][$ident])){
$dset['range'][$ident] = array();
$dset['range'][$ident]['price'] = $value;
}else if(strpos($key,'preis_range')!==false){
$ident = (int)str_replace('preis_range','',$key);
if(!isset($dset['range'][$ident]) || !is_array($dset['range'][$ident])){
$dset['range'][$ident] = array();
$dset['range'][$ident]['quantity'] = $value;
$prepareDatas[] = $dset;
//now process the stuff for each pricegroup to add it to the main article
$storeid = Mage::app()->getStore()->getWebsiteId();
$pricegroupdata = array();
$tiergroupdata = array();
foreach($prepareDatas as $prepareData){
//first set the Grundpreis
$pricegroupdata[] = array(
//now run through the groups if available
foreach($prepareData['range'] as $range){
$tiergroupdata[] = array(
'price_qty'=>number_format((float)$range['quantity'], 4, '.','')
$this->product->group_price = $pricegroupdata;
$this->product->tier_price = $tiergroupdata;
The Article Price is set. Also the cost value. But neither tier nor group prices are set or updated. What am I doing wrong? Where am I mistakin?
every help is appreceated.
Found the solution by just simply storing the fresh created product. After that it worked without a problem, although I had to extend the object that was stored quite a bit.