Does Perl have a Perl Docs generator? Something like Java Docs or PHP Documenter?
Yes, it's called POD (formerly: perldoc)
You simply write documentation in the source, just like with javadoc.
Briefly, "=item" is a bulleted item, e.g. a function or a parameter "=over" goes down a level of identation, "=back" goes up a level. Use "=cut" where you want to switch back to perl code.
Here is an example of what it could look like:
=item $b->add_module ( %options )
Initialize a module. A module is a repository or a branch of a repository.
Valid options are
=item id
Id of this module
=item repo
Url of repository. Currently only subversion repositories are supported.
sub add_module($%)
Simply pass your perl code through the perldoc program to get the formatted documentation.