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Facebook upload Dialog from my android application

Im developing an android application which will upload and share a photo from my app to my facebook timeline, how can i do this? See image :

enter image description here

I've been taking too much time reading the facebook docs, but found no luck, also i tried this very useful library by Mr. Roman Kushnarenko from git hub, but it doesn't support the upload via dialog. can you help me guys? Thanks :)


  • Currently by using android-simple-facebook library you can upload a photo to your facebook timeline without using dialog.

    This is how you can achieve this: Set OnPublishListener and call for publish(Photo, OnPublishListener).

    // create publish listener
    OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new SimpleFacebook.OnPublishListener()
        public void onFail(String reason)
            // insure that you are logged in before publishing
            Log.w(TAG, reason);
        public void onException(Throwable throwable)
            Log.e(TAG, "Bad thing happened", throwable);
        public void onThinking()
            // show progress bar or something to the user while publishing
            Log.i(TAG, "In progress");
        public void onComplete(String id)
            Log.i(TAG, "Published successfully. id = " + id);
    // This is the image you want to upload
    Bitmap bitmap = ...
    // create Photo instance and add some properties
    Photo photo = new Photo(bitmap);
    photo.addDescription("Screenshot from #android_simple_facebook sample application");
    // publish photo to app album
    mSimpleFacebook.publish(photo, onPublishListener);

    Don't forget to set PERMISSIONS.PUBLISH_STREAM in your configuration. See: configuration part

    Publishing photo by using dialog will be pushed soon to the master branch. I will update this answer to this question, once it will be pushed.