Search code examples

Cross Index Referencing

Sorry if the title is confusing, I'm not exacting sure how I should label this, I tried.

I'm writing a program to do some cross index searching, the program is written in C# using Visual Studio 2010.

I have a table with 3 columns: Category, Type, and Item. The table is read in from a excel spreadsheet and stored in some kind of data structure (will explain this later). Below is a short example of the table.

| CATEGORY  | TYPE  | ITEM  | <<header row
| categoryA | typeA | itemA | <<first entry
| categoryA | typeB | N/A   |
| categoryA | typeC | itemB |
| categoryA | typeD | N/A   |

I will be reading two user input strings, and I want the program determine whether they are a match. [Assuming user input has no typo, I have written a function to handle this and normalize both strings]

The logic of determine whether two strings are a match is like this:

1) If a string is a CATEGORY, every TYPE and ITEM that has the same CATEGORY is a match.

2) If a string is a TYPE or ITEM, only other data in the same row is a match

Here are some examples, string a and b are two input strings and match is a boolean value:

1) a = "categoryA", b = "typeA", match = true
2) a = "categoryA", b = "itemB", match = true
3) a = "typeC", b = "itemB", match = true
4) a = "typeC", b = "itemA", match = false
5) a = "itemA", b = "itemB", match = false

I'll give more examples if this is not clear enough.

So my overall question is: what is the most suitable data structure to store the data from the excel spreadsheet, and how would I do search/compare match with this data structure?

I though of using a Dictionary<string, string>, so I can search string a in the dictionary and get a list of match strings and compare, but this way I will have a huge dictionary and multiple same key, which will not work.

Any suggestion/help is appreciated.


  • I would think about using DataTable from System.Data namespace which is suitable for storing in memory tabular data. What may make it more attractive to you is a possibility to query it with SQL like query via DataView class RowFilter property.

    Some pseudo code:

    DataTable excelTable = new DataTable(); 
    //a method that reads Excel doc and injects data into DataTable
    DataView dv = new DataView(excelTable); 
    dv.RowFilter = "a = 'categoryA' AND b= 'typeA'"; 
    var match = dv.Count > 0;