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Rails CanCan Auth Problem

I am using the CanCan authorization plugin ( for my application and it has worked great so far. I had it set like the following:

    class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    user ||= # guest user

    if user.role == "admin"
      can :manage, :all
       can :read, :all 


This allows me to designate some users Admins and only they can access write functions. Now I want to take it another step and make it so people who are not logged in at all (current_user/user_session does not exist) cannot access some controllers of the site. I know it should be some sort of elsif with the middle part of the code for the user and the final else for everyone else. However, I have not been able to figure out the best way to go about setting this up. Is anyone familiar with CanCan and have some ideas on how to best approach this type of situation.

Thanks guys, every bit helps me learn more about rails and development in general!


  • I'm not quite familiar with CanCan but this kind of logic belongs inside the specific controller. This is an extract of how i do it. I'm sure you get the point and can abstract it onto CanCan.

    class ItemsController < ApplicationController
      before_filter :login_required
      # or if you only want to restrict it to some actions etc 
      # before_filter :login_required, :except => [:show]
      # or
      # before_filter :login_required, :only => [:edit]
    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
        def login_required
           access_denied! unless current_user.logged_in?

    CanCan is for authorization not authentication. There's a difference ;)