Due to gJSLint spewing out errors because of missing member documentation. We updated our pre-commit hook tasked with linting JavaScript. The edit included gJSLint rule 220 (ignore missing member documentation). However when performing a commit GIT still complains that the JavaScript is invalid. Running the gJSLint on its own produces no errors.
gjslint --strict --disable=5,6,110,220 app/pits/modules/api.js
We have removed the staged files and then added them back to staging with no luck.
Does GIT cache pre-commit hooks?
Pre-Commit Hook
files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep ".js$") if [ "$files" = "" ]; then
exit 0 fi
echo "\nValidating JavaScript:\n"
for file in ${files}; do
result=$(gjslint --strict --disable=5,6,110,220 ${file} | grep "${file} is OK")
if [ "$result" != "" ]; then
echo "\t\033[32mJSLint Passed: ${file}\033[0m"
echo "\t\033[31mJSLint Failed: ${file}\033[0m"
fi done
echo "\nJavaScript validation complete\n"
if ! $pass; then
echo "\033[41mCOMMIT FAILED:\033[0m Your commit contains files that should pass JSLint but do not. Please fix the JSLint errors and try again.\n try: gjslint --strict --disable=5,6,110,220 file.js\n"
exit 1 else
echo "\033[42mCOMMIT SUCCEEDED\033[0m\n" fi
Result of git commit -m"...."
Validating JavaScript:
JSLint Failed: app/pits/modules/api.js
JSLint Failed: app/pits/modules/State.js
JSLint Failed: app/pits/modules/table.js
JavaScript validation complete
COMMIT FAILED: Your commit contains files that should pass JSLint but
do not. Please fix the JSLint errors and try again. try: gjslint --strict --disable=5,6,110,220 file.js
git version
gjslint version 2.3.13
lubuntu version 13.04
This issue had nothing to do with GIT and was caused by a poorly written pre-commit hook.
files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep ".js$")
if [ "$files" = "" ]; then
exit 0
echo "\nValidating JavaScript:\n"
for file in ${files}; do
eval "gjslint --strict --disable=5,6,110,220 ${file}"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "\t\033[32mJSLint Passed: ${file}\033[0m"
echo "\t\033[31mJSLint Failed: ${file}\033[0m"
echo "\nJavaScript validation complete\n"
if ! $pass; then
echo "\033[41mCOMMIT FAILED:\033[0m Your commit contains files that should pass JSLint but do not. Please fix the JSLint errors and try again.\n try: gjslint --strict --disable=5,6,110,220 file.js\n"
exit 1
echo "\033[42mCOMMIT SUCCEEDED\033[0m\n"