I have the following situation: there is a NSData that i need to decrypt. The data consists of:
I'm using CCCrypt for decryption, but it probably doesn't matter, because this is more of an NSData related question. This is how i'm separating things now (pseudocode):
int hdrsize; // this contains the size of the header
NSData *data; // this contains full encrypted data with a header
// this gives me information, stored in the header + some additional stuff
NSDictionary *hdr = [self _headerInfoFromData:data];
data = [data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(hdrsize, [data length] - hdrsize)];
// And the decryption part
CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCrypt(kCCDecrypt, MS_SEC_ENC_ALGORITHM, kCCOptionPKCS7Padding,
[key bytes], MS_SEC_ENC_KEY_SIZE,
[[hdrdict objectForKey:@"iv"] bytes],
[data bytes], dataLength,
buffer, bufferSize,
As you can see, my problem here is that for decryption i need to extract the part of NSData without the header. But is there a way to simply somehow "reuse" the bytes that are already there instead of making the copy? Maybe there's some sort of way to create a no-copy byte buffer out of it, skipping first X bytes and passing that into CCCrypt instead?
Thanks for your help
Have you verified that -subdataWithRange:
does copy the bytes? If it does, you can always use +dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:
, just make sure to handle ownership properly.
I'm such a fool. Just do this:
int hdrsize; // this contains the size of the header
NSData *data; // this contains full encrypted data with a header
// this gives me information, stored in the header + some additional stuff
NSDictionary *hdr = [self _headerInfoFromData:data];
// And the decryption part
CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCrypt(
[key bytes],
[[hdrdict objectForKey:@"iv"] bytes],
data.bytes + hdrsize,
data.length - hdrsize,