I am having problems when JSON is trying to decode my serialized custom class with the class information encoded in the dict. I will try to provide as much information as possible, so please bear with the long post.
I am using the excellent tutorial provided here as reference. I am referring to the section which details writing encoding/decoding for your own classes.
My package-module structure is partially as follows:
+--- PyDev Project
+-- src
+-- astar
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- astar.py
+-- common
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- service.py
| +-- graph.py
| +-- vertex.py
Each of these modules has its own class(es). I am serializing an object of the Service class in the common.service module. This is basically to use over a Pyro connection.
The serialization code is:
def convert_to_builtin_type(obj):
print('default(', repr(obj), ')')
# Convert objects to a dictionary of their representation
d = { '__class__':obj.__class__.__name__,
return d
The de-serialization code is:
def dict_to_object(self, d):
if '__class__' in d:
class_name = d.pop('__class__')
module_name = d.pop('__module__')
# module = __import__(module_name)
module = import_module(module_name)
print('MODULE:', module)
class_ = getattr(module, class_name)
print('CLASS:', class_)
args = dict( (key.encode('ascii'), value) for key, value in d.items())
print('INSTANCE ARGS:', args)
inst = class_(**args)
inst = d
return inst
The problem is occurring during de-serialization. The local variable values are:
class_ = <module 'common.Service' from path-to-file.py>
class_name = 'Service'
module = <module 'common' from path-to-__init__.py>
module_name = 'common.Service'
The reason this is failing is because class_ is returning the package.module value and not the class name inside that module. Technically, class_ should hold common.service.Service which is the actual class. Due to this, the last statement inst = class(**args)_ is failing with a "TypeError: module object not callable" error.
I know that import or importlib.import_module both import that top level module, but in my case, how do I get to a class inside the second level module? Technically, the second level is the module and the first level is the package, so I need a class in the pkg.module that I am unable to get at.
I hope the question made sense and has enough research shown. I have more information if it needs to be clarified.
EDIT: Problem solved with User suggestion.
def dict_to_object(self, d):
if '__class__' in d:
class_name = d.pop('__class__')
module_name = d.pop('__module__')
# module = __import__(module_name)
module = sys.modules[module_name]
print('MODULE:', module)
class_ = getattr(module, class_name)
print('CLASS:', class_)
args = dict((key, value) for key, value in d.items())
print('INSTANCE ARGS:', args)
inst = class_(**args)
inst = d
return inst
It could be that you problem is in this line:
reconsider the arguments you pass to that function.
knowing the pickle serializer it does the following instead of import_module
import sys
module = sys.modules[module_name]
In Python 3 try using also obj.__class__.__qualname__
. it includes the module name and the nesting classes.
class X:
class Y: pass # __qualname__ includes X.Y
I would be nice if you post the working code afterwards because this may be a problem for many people.