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What's the cause of "Failed to preload gadget..." for Sharebox gadgets in IBM Connections

I've followed the procedure documented at "Adding new ways to share content"

...but keep getting an error:

Failed to preload gadget http://....

Detailed error: 400 Gadget is not trusted to render in this container. cre.iruntime:cre.iwidget.event:cre.wire:cre.iwidget:cre.iwidget.itemset:cre…

sharebox error

This looks like some sort of trust problem with external servers, but my other gadgets (embedded experience & home page gadgets) on the same external host are all working fine.

What have I missed out in the configuration?


  • OK, shamefully, it looks like I missed out swapping the security attribute whitelistEnabled="true" to whitelistEnabled="false" in:



    <security whitelistEnabled="false" featureAdminEnabled="true">

    More details in this slide: How to add your own OpenSocial Gadgets to IBM Connections.

    Of course, in a production system, you'll have to checkout the opensocial config using, edit, checkin & restart.