I would like to represent and store a huge list of sequences as a prefix tree in many machines as follows: +A master machine will represent prefixes of sequences. +n slaves machines will represent n sub-prefix trees with each contains the rest of sequences.
I wonder if I can use Hbase for solving my problem? Could you share me any experience about that?
Maybe your concept of "Master" is not precisely the same as HMaster. The HMaster is for administrative purposes, such as identifying which RegionServer contains the Region for a given set of rows of a give table.
All of the data in the rows of any of your tables will be inside RegionServer's. Reading/writing data to/from the RegionServers is accomplished without any interaction with the HMaster except to determine which server the rows live on.
Coming back to your "master" vs "slaves" machines topology: you might decide to store the sequence prefixes as separate tables. Then the RegionServers for the prefixes may be managed separately from the sub-prefix trees . In any case there is not a "single master machine" to store the data but instead one or more Regions on one or more RegionServers.