When loading the default leaderboard, it seems you have to detect whether the user is running iOS 6.0 or 7.0.
For 7.0, you use loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifierWithCompletionHandler.
For 6.0, you use loadDefaultLeaderboardCategoryIDWithCompletionHandler.
But what if the user is running 5.0 or even 4.0?
Back in the iOS 5 days, you didn't retrieve the default category ID. You simply initialized a score with -[GKScore init]
and the score was submitted to the default category. To retrieve the scores in the default category, you supplied the category ID via -[GKLeaderboard setCategory:]
I'd link to the iOS 5 docs, but I can't find the individual pages online. If you like, you can download the docset here. (Unarchive it with xar.)