I'm trying to set up a batch script that basically runs a SQL statement against a database, and if the script returns results it will follow some logic.
Is there a way to have SQLCMD actually return the number of rows it found, or something similar?
I see that I can have the output displayed on the screen or a file, but is there a way to have it put it into a variable so I can have the script evaluate the variable? For example:
SQLCMD -q "select count(*) from active_connections" -r @varactive
IF @varactive > 0 THEN
<do things>
Or would I need to switch to Powershell to handle this sort of logic?
While @Gary is technically correct that the only thing returned is the ERRORLEVEL, sqlcmd
does also display its results to STDOUT. Armed with that, you could do something like this in a batch file:
set SERVERNAME=yoursqlserver
for /f "skip=2" %%x in ('sqlcmd -S %SERVERNAME% -Q "select count(*) from active_connections" ^| findstr /v /c:"rows affected"') do set COUNT=%%x
echo There are %COUNT% records in the active_connections table.