So my input should be a nxn (n<=20) matrix of words which do not exceed 9 characters each. The output should be a string sentence, formed by reading the matrix in an clockwise spiral way starting from the top left corner. With some help, I managed to get it to work.. though I still have some trouble fully comprehending what's exactly going on. I have absolutely no idea how to do it the other way around though - anticlockwise spiral starting from the bottom right corner. Here's my code so far:
string s;
int hor = 0, vert = 0;
while (hor < n / 2 && vert < n / 2)
for (i = vert; i < n - vert; i++)
s = s + a[hor][i] + " ";
for (i = hor + 1; i < n - hor; i++)
s = s + a[i][n - vert - 1] + " ";
for (i = n - vert - 2; i >= vert; i--)
s = s + a[n - hor - 1][i] + " ";
for (i = n - hor - 2; i > hor; i--)
s = s + a[i][vert] + " ";
if (n % 2)
for (i = vert; i < n - vert; i++)
s = s + a[hor][i] + " ";
for (i = hor; i < n - hor; i++)
s = s + a[i][vert] + " ";
cout << s << endl;
Any ideas? And is there not some easier way to do this?
The code flows directly from that algorithm. (Note, I haven't compiled this, so you'll have to check for errors yourself).
int x = n - 1; // Start at right.
int y = n - 1; // Start at bottom.
int spiral = 0; // Track the edges already visited (spiral).
int direction = 0; // 0=left, 1=up, 2=right, 3=down. You could also use an enum.
string s; // String builder.
for (int count = 0; count < 400; count++) { // One word per cell, 400 cells.
s = s + a[x][y] + " "; // Add the word.
if (direction == 0) { // Left
if (x > spiral) x--; // Check edge, advance if no edge.
else { y--; direction = 1; } // Change direction to up if edge is hit.
} else if (direction == 1) { // Up
if (y > spiral) y--; // Check edge, advance if no edge.
else { x++; direction = 2; } // Change direction to right if edge is hit.
} else if (direction == 2) { // Right
if (x < (n - 1) - spiral) x++; // Check edge, advance if no edge.
else { y++; direction = 3; spiral++; } // Change edge and direction to down.
} else if (direction == 3) { // Down
if (y < (n - 1) - spiral) y++; // Check edge, advance if no edge.
else { x--; direction = 0; } // Change direction to left if hit.