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How to stop window.scroll() after specific event?

I want to make the sticky-nav to act similar(scroll is off when the menu is expanded) to this website's nav( when expanded.

How do I do it?

 var Boxlayout = (function () {
        var $el = $('#sticky-nav'),
            $sections = $el.children('section'),
            // work panels
            $workPanelsContainer = $('#bl-panel-work-items'),
            // close work panel trigger
            $closeWorkItem = $workPanelsContainer.find('nav > span.hidemenu'),
            transEndEventNames = {
                'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
                'MozTransition': 'transitionend',
                'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd',
                'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd',
                'transition': 'transitionend'
            // transition end event name
            transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed('transition')],
            // support css transitions
            supportTransitions = Modernizr.csstransitions;

        function init() {

        function initEvents() {
            $sections.each(function () {
                var $section = $(this);
                // expand the clicked section and scale down the others
                $section.on('click', function () {
                    if (!$'open')) {
                        $'open', true).addClass('bl-expand bl-expand-top');
                }).find('span.hidemenu').on('click', function () {
                    // close the expanded section and scale up the others
                    $'open', false).removeClass('bl-expand').on(transEndEventName, function (event) {
                        if (!$('section')) return false;
                    if (!supportTransitions) {
                    return false;
            // clicking on a work item: the current section scales down and the respective work panel slides up
            $workItems.on('click', function (event) {
                // scale down main section
                // show panel for this work item
                var $panel = $workPanelsContainer.find("[data-panel='" + $(this).data('panel') + "']");
                currentWorkPanel = $panel.index();
                return false;
            // navigating the work items: current work panel scales down and the next work panel slides up
            $nextWorkItem.on('click', function (event) {
                if (isAnimating) {
                    return false;
                isAnimating = true;
                var $currentPanel = $workPanels.eq(currentWorkPanel);
                currentWorkPanel = currentWorkPanel < totalWorkPanels - 1 ? currentWorkPanel + 1 : 0;
                var $nextPanel = $workPanels.eq(currentWorkPanel);
                $currentPanel.removeClass('bl-show-work').addClass('bl-hide-current-work').on(transEndEventName, function (event) {
                    if (!$('div')) return false;
                    isAnimating = false;
                if (!supportTransitions) {
                    isAnimating = false;
                return false;
            // clicking the work panels close button: the current work panel slides down and the section scales up again
            $closeWorkItem.on('click', function (event) {
                // scale up main section
                return false;
        return {
            init: init


  • Here is a fiddle:

    Be careful to unlock scrolling again when done, or this could be very annoying for the user!

    Setup code

    var $window = $(window), previousScrollTop = 0, scrollLock = false;
    $window.scroll(function(event) {     
        if(scrollLock) {
        previousScrollTop = $window.scrollTop();

    To lock scroll position:

    scrollLock = true;

    And to unlock again...

    scrollLock = false;

    As an example use, you could lock the window scroll position when the mouse enters the navigation area, and unlock it again when the mouse leaves:

        .mouseenter(function(){ scrollLock = true; })
        .mouseleave(function(){ scrollLock = false; });