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How can I prevent p:commandButton to refresh p:tabView

my xhtml page has this format:

      <p:dialog widgetVar="presentDiag" modal="true" closable="true" header="Liste" maximizable="false" dynamic="true">

            <p:commandButton value="Submit" id="submit" actionListener="bean.add()"/>
            <p:tab title="....">
            <p:tab title="....">
            <p:tab title="....">

when I click on the submit button the selected tab changed to the first tab


  • If you wanted to update a form and then exclude something from it, the easiest way would be to use PrimeFaces selectors like so :

    <h:form id="form">
      <p:dialog widgetVar="presentDiag" modal="true" closable="true" header="Liste" maximizable="false" dynamic="true">
            <p:commandButton value="Submit" id="submit" actionListener="bean.add()" update="@(form :not(.tab-view))"/>
      <h:panelGroup styleClass="tab-view" >
               <p:tab title="....">
               <p:tab title="....">
               <p:tab title="....">

    you can always reopen a desired tab by using widgetVar attribute.

    <p:tabView widgetVar="myTab"> .... </p:tabView>
     <p:commandButton value="Submit" id="submit" actionListener="bean.add()" update="someId" oncomplete=";"/>

    but the best thing to do would be not closing it in the first place.