I'm an instability in my addTo* method which I have a record that constantly have to make the relationship information in one instance . The problem is that when I place multiple inserts in a short time , they cease to be persisted in the database and not after a they return , they are simply discarded time.
My simple class is ' Occurrence ' and ' Monitoring ' , whenever I make a call I have to register it and it occurred on and after 2 consecutive records the 3rd no longer persists in the database and I lose the record .
Class Occurrence implements Serializable{
hasMany = [accompaniments: Monitoring]
Class Monitoring implements Serializable{
belongsTo = [occurrence : Occurrence]
Have the controller looks like this:
def regMonitoring(Long id){
def chamadoInstance = Occurrence.get(id)
if (!chamadoInstance) {
flash.message = message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'Occurrence .label', default: 'Occurrence '), id])
chamadoInstance.status = StatusChamado.findByCodigo("MOV")
if (!chamadoInstance.save(flush: true)) {
render(view: "editMonitoring", model: [chamadoInstance: chamadoInstance])
def mov = chamadoService.regMonitoring("") //returns an instance of Customer with preset output values .
chamadoInstance.addToAccompaniments (mov)
redirect(action: "showChamado", id: chamadoInstance.id)
Add in a save of your domain instance after you add to the collection.
chamadoInstance.addToAccompaniments (mov)
chamadoInstance.save(flush: true)
This should solve the issue.